Buy, sell, and swap crypto easily, flexibly, reliably, and optimally, even for large amounts.
market operations
No worries or technical complications: you place the order, CheckSig executes it. because buying and selling, even for significant amounts, should not be complicated. And you can also set up an accumulation plan to mitigate the risks of market timing and volatility.
You can trade with various order types: market (executed at the best available price), recurring (executed at a chosen frequency over time), or limit (executed only if the price reaches the specified level). Ask our support to place a stop-loss (sale executed only if the price drops to the specified level) or trade pairs not available in the Private Area.
For amounts up to €40,000, order execution is automatic and immediate 24/7. For larger amounts, orders are handled by our brokerage desk (active 9:30 AM–6:00 PM on business days) to ensure sufficient market liquidity for the specific order (order book depth). Limit orders over €40,000 are entered manually by the brokerage desk but remain active 24/7.
Optimal execution (best execution) considers the order amount, order type, market conditions, and agreements with major global exchanges we are connected to. In any case, we always find the best price for you and offer extremely competitive transaction fees.
You can trade all major cryptocurrencies: we support those listed on multiple exchanges and with substantial trading volumes over an extended period. In addition, we support all crypto-crypto pairs, the most common ones directly in the app, the others can be requested from support. This is the list of the crypto available, updated and expanded regularly to meet client requests.
how it works
If funds are not already in your CheckSig account, transfer euros via bank transfer to our Italian IBAN or send crypto via blockchain transaction. In the Private Area, select Deposit and choose EUR or crypto.
In the Private Area,
select Buy, Sell, or Swap and choose the order type: market (executed at the best available price), recurring (executed at a chosen frequency over time),
or limit (executed only if the price reaches the specified level).
Ask our support
to place a stop-loss
(sale executed only if the price drops to the specified level)
or to trade pairs not available in the Private Area.
Orders up to €40,000 are executed automatically 24/7, while larger amounts are handled by our brokerage desk, ensuring security for large transactions. The desk operates 9:30 AM–6:00 PM on business days. Execution is always optimal, at the best available price on global exchanges we are connected to.
Your balances are always updated automatically in the Private Area. Euro funds are immediately available for withdrawal, and crypto is securely stored right away: ensuring maximum simplicity, transparency, and security.
CheckSig executes your order using the euro funds in your account. If funds are not already available, first deposit the required amount via bank transfer to our Italian IBAN. In the Private Area, select Deposit and choose EUR; you’ll find all the necessary instructions (ensure the reason for payment is correct).
After the purchase is completed, you will find in the Private Area:
We record the purchase price of the acquired crypto. If you’ve chosen CheckSig as your tax substitute, this will be used for calculating capital gains and losses in the future.
The crypto you purchased will be securely stored in our custody immediately; of course, you can sell or withdraw it whenever you like.
CheckSig executes your order using the crypto funds in your account. If funds are not already available, first deposit the required amount via a blockchain transaction. In the Private Area, select Deposit and choose the crypto you want to sell; generate an address to which you can transfer the funds.
After the sale is completed, you will find in the Private Area:
If you’ve chosen CheckSig as your tax substitute, we will handle the substitute tax on any capital gains or record any losses for future compensations.
You can immediately withdraw the euro funds obtained or keep them in your account for future crypto purchases or other services.
CheckSig executes your order using the crypto funds in your account. If funds are not already available, first deposit the required amount via a blockchain transaction. In the Private Area, select Deposit, choose the crypto you want to sell, and generate an address to transfer the funds.
After the conversion is completed, you will find in the Private Area:
The acquired crypto will be securely stored in our custody immediately; of course, you can sell or withdraw it whenever you like.
Crypto-to-crypto conversions are taxable events if they involve non-homogeneous cryptocurrencies. This criterion was introduced in the 2023 budget law. The Revenue Agency clarified that converting crypto like Bitcoin or Ether into stablecoins like USDC or USDT is taxable, because these stablecoins can be converted into fiat currency by the issuer.
However, conversions of Bitcoin or Ether into DAI, DAO, or PaxGold are not taxable, as these cannot be converted into fiat currency by the issuer. Among the cryptocurrencies supported by CheckSig, only USDC is considered non-homogeneous with others.
If you’ve chosen CheckSig as your tax substitute and the conversion is taxable, we handle the substitute tax on any capital gains or record any losses for future compensations.
We only support crypto-aseets that have demonstrated substantial trading volumes over an extended period. Additionally, to ensure operational continuity, we only select coins listed on multiple exchanges. If you’re interested in a particular coin and the amount you wish to trade is significant, please contact our support team (either via email at or WhatsApp +39-378-304-3902): we’ll do our best to accommodate your request.
You cannot do this directly in the Private Area, but you can request it through our support team (via email at or WhatsApp +39-378-304-3902). Provide the cryptocurrency, quantity, and price level.
An accumulation plan is a smart strategy to minimize the risks of market timing and mitigate volatility. Many investors underestimate its power in long-term saving and investment strategies.
To set up an accumulation plan, in the Private Area, select Buy, Recurring as order type, and choose the frequency.
And if you’re living off your crypto holdings, you can also set up a decumulation plan to sell crypto and withdraw EUR/USD funds systematically!
The cost basis is calculated using the average purchase cost method. We automatically track the prices of purchases made with us. For cryptocurrencies acquired elsewhere and deposited with us, we assume a purchase cost of zero unless you provide specific documentation via our crypto tax report service.
If you’ve chosen us as your tax substitute, we manage your accounting, calculate capital gains and pay the substitute tax, and consider any accumulated losses from the past four years for compensations.
Trading is just one of the services offered by CheckSig. See also:
Use the escrow holder service for cryptos posted as collateral in a euro loan that you want to provide or be a beneficiary of, or in any other contract.
Benefit from the security chosen by banks and financial institutions to secure Bitcoin and crypto.
Earn from staking your crypto: it’s simple, secure, and profitable.
Enjoy the tranquility to be flawless, with the only tax withholding crypto operator in Italy.
Use the escrow holder service for cryptos posted as collateral in a euro loan that you want to provide or be a beneficiary of, or in any other contract.
Access training, reporting and updates from top Bitcoin and crypto specialists.
Seize the opportunities that come from true understanding of Bitcoin and crypto.
© CheckSig S.r.l. Società Benefit - P.IVA 11028330964 | CheckSig Suisse AG - CHE-183.628.610