Ownership and Operations

Individuals or legal entities, joint accounts, minors, and delegations: we can meet all your ownership and operational needs.

Ownership and Operations hero

An account for everyone

Personal Account

The personal account provides access to all CheckSig services: the best services at an unbeatable cost.

Open a personal account

Joint Account

The account can have one or more joint holders: all can access the Private Area and operate. Because you can invest in crypto with your partners, associates, and friends.

Open a joint account

Underage Account

The account can be held by a minor, with an executive delegation to one of the parents. Because it is better to start saving for the future early.

Open an underage account

Business Account

The account can be held by legal entities, appointing one or more executives delegated to administrative and operational management. Because even your company can invest its liquidity in Bitcoin and crypto.

Open a business account

A flexible account

Delegated Executives for Operations

A personal or business account can have one or more associated executives: individuals who are delegated to operational and administrative management. Because the account owner may appreciate the help of someone more technical.

Holding by Vehicles and Trusts

The account can be held by corporate vehicles and trusts, to protect the privacy of the ultimate beneficiary, delegate tax compliance, and organize asset management.

Many Benefits for You

Flexibility in ownership and operation is just one of the benefits offered by CheckSig. See also:

Account Manager

Personalized 24/7 assistance: your account manager is always in touch with you via WhatsApp, email, phone, or in person.

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Invite Your Friends

Earn by referring your friends to CheckSig.

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Digital Estate Planning

If necessary, are you sure your loved ones would know how to take control of your crypto? Entrust your wealth to CheckSig: for you today, for them tomorrow.

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Regulatory Compliance

Always committed to adapting to the evolving regulatory framework, CheckSig and its practices are appreciated and recognized.

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Open an account

With your account, you have access to all CheckSig services. Great services, at competitive rates.

Contact us

See the FAQs. For further questions or enquiries, our support is always available.

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