
Seize the opportunities that come from true understanding of Bitcoin and crypto.

Consulting hero

Innovation leader

Who we work with

CheckSig helps consulting firms, financial institutions, insurance companies, innovative startups, industrial groups, lobbyists and regulators.

What we offer

CheckSig offers continuous support with consultancy, training, research, and development: from your first steps in the crypto world to complete autonomy, free from misconceptions and irrational hype.

Digital Gold Institute

Founded in 2018, the Digital Gold Institute (DGI) is Europe’s leading think tank on Bitcoin, blockchain, and crypto-assets. Active in consulting, training, research, and development, DGI serves as the independent research arm of CheckSig, which was launched in 2019 as a spin-off of the Institute with the mission of making the access to Bitcoin and crypto simple and secure for both private and institutional investors. In partnership with the University of Milan-Bicocca, DGI is a founding member of the Crypto Asset Lab, whose annual conference is co-organized with the European Commission’s Directorate-General Joint Research Center. This event is the most important academic gathering on the subject in Europe. DGI collaborates with regulators, universities, financial institutions, and consulting firms.

Some clients and partners

borsa italiana logo

logo ania

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Logo ambrosetti

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BNP Paribas logo

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logo unimib

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