Intesi Group invests in Bitcoin

October 19, 2021 - Staff

Intesi Group is the first Italian company to invest in Bitcoin for treasury purposes

Intesi Group, an Italian digital signature solutions and Qualified Trust Service Provider, becomes a shareholder of CheckSig, the leading Italian company for digital asset custody, and invests part of its liquidity in Bitcoins held at CheckSig.

“We are pleased that Intesi Group has chosen us as a partner. Transparency and safety are our founding values, the trust of our customers is the main asset we safeguard: we are proud to deserve it more and more. We are the only Italian crypto company to boast insurance coverage, for the peace of mind of our customers, and SOC certificates, the international standard for process validation and corporate security. And our technology is the state of the art for Bitcoin custody.”

Ferdinando Ametrano, CEO CheckSig

Press Release (Italian)

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